A film directed by Gary Ross is staking Jennifer Lawrence as the main driver, who plays Katniss Everdeen and Liam Hemsworth (Gale Hawthorne plays) and Josh Hutcherson (Peeta Mellark plays) also beside for the success of this film. The film was first screened in Malaysia from 22 March.
State Capitol Panem forces 12 districts to send a representative of a man and a young woman to represent their respective regions in on The Hunger Games. The Hunger Games is a reality show where all of the district attorney will fight and kill each other and the last surviving representative will be crowned the winner and awarded.
Katniss Everdeen and her family live in District 12. During the days of the coming of the Capitol, all the teenagers in District 12 gathered and, unexpectedly, Katniss younger sister was selected as a representative of District 12. Katniss volunteered to be the representative of the voluntary and replace her sister. While Peeta Mellark, the son of bread vendor selected as the representative for District 12 boys.
Katniss and Peeta in the training center located in the Capitol with representatives from other districts. Katniss and Peeta initially visible as doubt their abilities as outright opponents point out the advantages they have. Can they survive until the end. Who will win The Hunger Games?
- From my point of view,Hunger games has an awesome plot because this story teaches us about love and how to survive in the challenge life.
- We also must have positive thinkng and a strategy how to win a game like Katniss and Peeta do.
- In addition,we should sacrifice ourselves like Katniss do when she volunteereed herself to replace his sister in this game.
wow!!!!...amazing movie..i love it...:)
ReplyDeletevery good work here .amazing movie and interesting point of views .you attract people to watch the movie ,lionsgate should thanks u ;)
ReplyDeleteFor your information, we will take this movie as our drama on english week hehehe